FlashCards Gets Audio Recording!
Introducing the next generation in learning. You've waited, and it is finally here. Now you can record audio for all of your Flash Card Sets. Just plug in a mic to your home computer, and record away. Best of all, it's free!Note: No app update required! Recording is through the Online Tools.
1.) Login |
2.) Select |
3.) Record |
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Login to your account if not already done so. Once logged in, simply select the set you want to add audio to. Create a new card, or edit an existing one. |
There is a new option available for the Question and Answer on every card. Sleect the "Record Audio" option to load the recording interface up. |
Your recording options are now available. Click "Record" to start the recording. Once finished, click "Stop". "Play" will let you preview it before assigning or starting over. |

Enjoy the #1 puzzle game of all time.
FREE in the webOS App Catalog!
Why not record on device?
Recording audio on the device simply is not possible yet. That will come as soon as the API's needed are released.
webOS 1.4.5 Required
Smaller clips (those less than 20k in size) fail to play on webOS 1.4.1 or lower. 1.4.5 fixes the bug in webOS allowing the clips to be played. Verizon and AT&T users, you are still waiting on this update. Feel free to record audio anyway, it will work on device after you do get 1.4.5.
Java Plugin - Mic Required
The audio recording uses a Java Applet plugin in order to access and record from the Microphone. When you first load up the recording tools, you will be prompted to give this applet permission. Without permission, you cannot record.
If you do not select the option to always trust, you will get this popup every time.
It should also be noted that a working microphone is required. Most laptops have them, but not everyone has a mic for a desktop.
The audio recording has been tested on every major browser and works well on most. Users on Mac seem to have the most issues. Please report issues with the recording system to me and they will be addressed if possible.
How Much?
How much? How about FREE? Originally, I wanted to charge extra for this option. It does take up storage space and bandwidth to deliver it. That costs money. However, some server changes occurred recently, so I can relax this policy.
So, I decided to make it free. Free to paid users, and free to Lite users. Free to anyone that has an account.
I do reserve the right to change this however if space or bandwidth become an issue.